"The Pretties" by Scott Westerfeld is a phenomenal book that is just as intriguing and suspenseful as the first book in this series, "The Ugilies." I enjoyed the whole book, from the first page to the last. Although, their are some parts that I thought were to long, but everything else was a stunning jaw dropper with surprising turn outs.
However, one of the moments in "The Pretties " that I thought was too long was when Tally was brought back to the camp of the outsiders she met after she fell into the river. I felt that during that chapter it was repetitive and some of was its confusing because it was all over the place. But other then that, I though the rest of the book was stunning.
Through all the stunning moments their was one part that I thought was the most intriguing part of the book. It was when the crims were trying to escape. It all started when Zane and Tally had to get their bracelets off so they would not be tracked. Mr. Westerfeld used his amazing talent of description to scare you because you makes you think Zane and Tally are going to risk having their hands flattened to attempt to get of the bracelets. He continues to convince you until that last second, when Tally finds the heat resistance gloves. Then, when the crims fly away on the hot air balloons, they use the heat from the fire holding up the balloon to expand the bracelet and slide it off. Mr. Westerfeld keeps you on the edge of your seat when Tally slides hers off but Zane's wont come off and they are reaching the city borders. Zane finally gets his off and all the crims jump with their hoverboard which will catch them. However, Peris does not jump, Tally stops to talk to him. But she realized that the small talk would be just enough time to go out of the city limits so Tallys hover board wont work anymore. Will she jump with the risk of dying? Will she go back to the city with Peris? or is their a safe way down? Mr. Westerfelds leaves you with many questions which urges you to read on even more!
I highly recommend this book this book and series to any mid-teens and young adults. It is a fantastic read that you will never want to put down. I hope you enjoy "The Pretties" just as much as I did!
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